Gratis Sex Video Islive: Evian Uit Milaan

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I like flirting, it makes life exciting. I`d like to know the kind heated folks and eager communication, punctual and lively people. In dreams I like the simple things like walks, ice cream, pizza, generous people, laughter, jokes. Lets have fun together!

Naam evian
Leeftijd 35
Geslacht vrouw
Woonplaats Milaan
Land Italie,
Talen enit
Geaardheid bisexueel
Lichaamsbouw slank
Kleur haar zwart
Kleur ogen bruin
Cupmaat Cup B
Karakter Open, sociable, sweet, slightly naive, dreamy
hobbies I read everything attracts me and also composing
Relatie nee
Sterrenbeeld weegschaal
Uiterlijk blank
huisdieren Yes, I have two small birds for a year and a half
eten I'm a vegetarian. The youth stays in green :)
Man type Good man. The one with the ability of gentleness
StandjeAll positions that have the flavor and charm
PlekjeEach place has something unique :)
Kaal Baal
Mooiste DeelI like everything to me, but I always try improve
Man Delen Eyes and chest
Doel LevenTo find out which is my goal!